1. Розвиток навиків усного мовлення,сприймання на слух англійської мови.
2. Виховувати почуття доброти, чуйності.
3. Заохочувати дітей до подальшого вивчення англійської мови.
Декорації: стіл, старовинний посуд, мітла,годинник.
Звучить музика з казки. На сцену виходять 2 ведучих і зачитують вступ.
Narrator 1. Once upon a time there lived a beautiful girl. Her name was Cinderella.
But Cinderella hadn’t got a mother. Now her father has got a second wife and she is Cinderella’s stepmother.
Narrator 2. Cinderella’s stepmother is a horrible woman. She has two daughters.
Cinderella’s stepsisters are not kind to her too. The only man who loves her trully is her father.
Виходять Попелюшка і її батько.
Cinderella. Good morning daddy, dear.
Father. Good morning, my child. How are you today?
Cinderella. Fine, daddy. And you?
Father. I’m OK.
Stepmother. Cinderella, what are you doing? You don’t do anything as usual.
Cinderella. But…
Stepmother. And you, what are you doing? Helping girl?
Father. Oh, no…
Stepmother. Go away and do something.
Stepmother. I’ m hungry. Have you made the breakfast already?
Cinderella. Yes, stepmother.
Stepmother. My daughters are coming down and they want their breakfast, too.
Cinderella. Good morning, sisters .
Stepmother. Good morning, my dears. How are you?
Sister 1. I’m terrible. I’m in a low mood.
Sister 2. I’m terrible too.
Stepmother. Oh, my dears.
Sister 2. I’m hungry. Where’s my breakfast?
Cinderella. Here you are .
Narrator 1. Not far away there live a king and a queen. They have a young prince.
Tomorrow they are making a ball.
Narrator 2. Lots of young ladies with her families are going there. Cinderella’s stepmother and her two daughters are going there, too.
Stepmother. We’ll go to the ball tomorrow. What shall we wear, I wonder. We haven’t got new clothes. I want a party dress.
Sister 1. Me, too.
Sister 2. And I want a dress?.
Sisters together. Cinderella, do you want to go to the ball with us?
Cinderella. I’d like to have a look at the prince.
Stepmother. What?! You haven’t got any job? You have to do all these chores. (Попелюшка читає вслух перелік своїх домашніх обов’язків).
Cinderella : Clean the house, do the washing up, do the cooking…
Stepmother. But it’s not enough for you. ( бере в одну руку миску з кукурудзою в іншу- миску з гречкою і висипає це на підлогу ).
You have to рick this separately until our returning from the ball.
Stepsister1. Sorry, you can’t go with us.
Stepsister2. But we shall tell you how many times the prince dance with us.
Cinderella. Oh, I can’t do that today. How can I go to the ball now? Who can help me?
Fairy. I can help you. Why are you so sad?
Cinderella. I wanted to go the ball with my stepmother and stepsisters but they left me at home. I can’t go there , I haven’t got any new clothes.
Fairy. Don’t cry. I can help you. Look, I have a magic stick.
Close your eyes.
Fairy. One, two, three. Now, open your eyes.
Cinderella. I can’t believe this is me. Thank you , Fairy , you are so kind.
But I haven’t got a carriage to get to the ball...
Fairy. Have you forgotten about my magic stick?
Have a look at the window . The carriage is already waiting for you.
Cinderella. Oh, Fairy, thank you so much.
Fairy. And now hurry up to the ball. You can have these things only until 12 o’clock. Remember ! At 12 you must be at home.
Cinderella. Oh , yes it’s clear.
Звучить музика з балу. На сцену виходять 5 пар і танцюють.
Потім у зал заходить Попелюшка(на обличчі у неї вуаль) і всі перестають танцювати .До Попелюшки підбігає принц .
Prince. Hello. Who are you , pretty girl?
Cinderella. I’m Cinderella.
Prince . Let’s dance.
Куранти б’ють 12 годину.
Cinderella. It’s 12 o’clock . I must run.
Prince. The girl who will suit this shoe will be my wife.
Narrator1 . The Prince took the shoe and returned to the palace. He fell in love with her. He was very upset. He didn’t know where to find the pretty girl.
Narrator 2. Next day the prince and his men went on travelling through the kingdom looking for the beautiful lady who slept from the ball. Lots of young ladies tried the shoe on but it did not fit anyone.At last the Prince came to Cinderella’s house.
На сцену виходять мачуха , її дочки . Вони обговорюють вчорашній бал.
Sister 1. I wonder who was that mysterious girl at the ball last night? It’s a pity I managed to dance with the Prince so little. As soon as that lady appeared he danced only with her.
Sister 2. Yes. She must be very beautiful indeed.But I wonder why she hid her face under the veil? Maybe, because of her crooked nose? Ha... Ha...
Заходить принц з туфлею в руці.
Prince. I know you were at the ball last night .Try on this shoe.
Sister1. Oh, it’s very small.
Sister2. It’s small for me,too.
Stepmother. Cinderella! Cinderella!
Sisters and her mother. You?!
Принц підходить до Попелюшки, встає на одне коліно і приміряє їй туфлю.
Prince. Try on this shoe, pretty Miss.(Попелюшка взуває другу туфлю).
I’m happy that I’ve found you. I love you and I’d like to get married to you.
Cinderella. Oh,yes my prince . I love you too.
Звучить музика. Всі учасники співають пісню”Let it be”.
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